Keep Calm And Mentor On

Adrienne Holtzlander


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Keep Calm And Mentor On

Top 4 Reasons To Keep Calm & Mentor On:

In light of COVID-19, we are sharing some inspiration and best practices to keep your employees engaged during this time with virtual mentoring. Below we have created 4 quick tips to make the most of mentoring relationships.


The image above is a call back to the Keep Calm and Carry On motivational campaign produced by the British government to raise the morale of the British people prior to entering World War II.  In times of change and uncertainty focusing on positive relationships with those around us helps with maintaining a light hearted mindset.

At MentorcliQ, in addition to monitoring the advisories from the CDC and WHO and advising customers, mentors and mentees to follow their recommendations and stay safe and healthy, we are maintaining our light hearted mindset by Keeping Calm and Mentoring On! We are adding more virtual mentoring resources in real time – click here for the latest Virtual Mentoring Tips & Best Practices.

It is pretty well known that mentoring keeps employees engaged and supported every day and this becomes even more important during a global health crisis. While it may be tempting to postpone new mentoring program launches and reschedule mentoring meetings we KNOW it’s even MORE important for your company culture and your employees’ happiness to keep calm and mentor on!


To keep on keeping on in times of adversity it helps to: 


1) Share Experiences

During times of uncertainty, it’s helpful for people to talk about how they are doing, how they feel and hear about what others are thinking and feeling. Employees meeting with their mentor/mentee is healthy and constructive activity to cope and keep moving.  To encourage connection let your people know it is okay to meet on a more frequent basis, even if it does not 100% fit into their mentoring focus areas. You can also offer a chat channel or an informal mentoring program as a safe space for people to virtually connect with one another, especially if your people now have to work remotely.

2) Stay Productive & Engaged

Stay proactive and productive with mentoring.  By keeping scheduled mentoring meetings (and maybe adding additional check-in’s) you can maintain a sense of connection and normalcy, even if you have to meet virtually over video conference.  Mentoring will ultimately help your employees stay engaged with what’s going on at their company, with their customers, and with their career.

3) Focus On Goals

Employees using this time to focus on their mentoring milestones and goals will make some big strides towards their professional goals. It is also okay to explore new ideas and topics which can keep you motivated and excited about the future.  Take a good look at what you initially wanted to accomplish with your mentor and evaluate if there are additional areas you can improve.

4) Strengthen the Impact of Mentoring

Employee development, engagement, and retention are even more important during times like these. Keeping your employees focused and supported with mentoring will strengthen the impact that mentoring has on your employees, your culture and your bottom line.  With the right tools, you can launch or scale a mentoring program quickly to support your employees needs.

Want to learn more about virtual mentoring?  
Check out our  virtual mentoring articles and request your copy of our Virtual Mentoring Toolkit.



Ready to get started with your mentoring initiative? 
Connect with MentorcliQ to see how mentoring programs powered by mentoring software and our framework can impact and improve your employees’ virtual mentoring experience.

Adrienne Holtzlander

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