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Category: Communication

  • Feedforward vs Feedback: Is There a Difference?

    Feedforward vs Feedback: Is There a Difference?

    Even feedback with the best of intentions can cause people to put their guard up and prepare to go on the defensive. It can be very difficult for people to listen to even positive feedback as it can be interpreted as a critique of someone’s character. Yet people want feedback and critique to help them refocus their efforts and continue […]

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  • Mentoring Makes Employees Happy and Productive

    Mentoring Makes Employees Happy and Productive

    The Mentoring ROI Numbers that Tell the Story Here at MentorcliQ we’ve helped our clients attain success with mentoring, helping them make a difference in employee development, engagement, retention, and productivity. In fact, research we conducted with our clients highlights the enormous factor mentoring can play in the life of employees and in the success of organizations.

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  • My Mentoring Mantra

    My Mentoring Mantra

    The Personal Side of Mentoring As most of us have experienced, the lines between work life and home life have blurred in recent years.  As a remote employee, I try to set boundaries for when I work so that I don’t lose my personal time altogether.  But I have also found myself seeing parallels between my personal life and what […]

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  • Gain Soft Skills While Mentoring

    Gain Soft Skills While Mentoring

    As more and more of our lives become digital, distanced, and distracted, I find it telling that many HR folks have been talking a lot about soft skills—or the lack thereof within their employee populations. We’re all obsessed with being connected, but we don’t seem to do so well when it comes to actually connecting. Consequently, soft skills are the […]

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  • The Art and Science of Leading an Online Mentoring Group

    The Art and Science of Leading an Online Mentoring Group

    No two mentoring relationships are the same. From traditional mentoring to reverse mentoring to group mentoring, the interactions and outcomes can vary based on the people involved, the goals they want to achieve, and the overall structure of the relationship. What Does An Online Mentoring Group Look Like? Mentoring groups are a unique take on the traditional view of mentoring; […]

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  • Modern Mentoring 2.0: The New Way to Run Mentoring Programs

    Modern Mentoring 2.0: The New Way to Run Mentoring Programs

    Corporate Mentoring Programs at Work Randy Emelo’s 2015 book Modern Mentoring took the HR world by storm and quickly became a top seller for publisher ATD Press.  In this revolutionary tome, Emelo provides ideas on how organizations can bring a fresh approach to mentoring that is better suited to today’s technologically focused work world, and he outlines how business mentoring programs can […]

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