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Category: Development Goals

  • Career Mentoring: Critical Elements for Success

    Career Mentoring: Critical Elements for Success

    Keeping employees has become more challenging than ever. Between quiet quitting and The Great Resignation, companies without effective retention strategies risk losing employees to competitors. Beyond better pay and remote work flexibility, workers increasingly want a clear path forward. That “clear path” is best delivered with social learning opportunities like career mentoring. Career mentoring solves multiple problems that HR leaders […]

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  • What Does Mentee Mean?

    What Does Mentee Mean?

    What does mentee mean in today’s time? The definition is far more dynamic than it used to be as mentoring relationships have evolved.

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  • What Are Long-Term Goals? Examples and Goal-Setting Ideas

    What Are Long-Term Goals? Examples and Goal-Setting Ideas

    Long-term goals are objectives that you set and intend to achieve over time. When you create goals for the long term (versus short term), you plan to achieve those goals in the future using a series of different stopping points to check on progress. The benefit of setting these types of goals is that you get to determine what “long-term” […]

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  • Establishing REAL Developmental Goals

    Establishing REAL Developmental Goals

    Mentoring Relationship Goals Most everyone knows about SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Chances are you have used this mnemonic acronym at some point in your career to help you focus in on a performance goal or complete a complex and multifaceted project. I myself have used it and have taught others about it.

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