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Category: skills

  • Gain Soft Skills While Mentoring

    Gain Soft Skills While Mentoring

    As more and more of our lives become digital, distanced, and distracted, I find it telling that many HR folks have been talking a lot about soft skills—or the lack thereof within their employee populations. We’re all obsessed with being connected, but we don’t seem to do so well when it comes to actually connecting. Consequently, soft skills are the […]

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  • Developing Soft Skills Through Mentoring

    Developing Soft Skills Through Mentoring

    Mentoring and Soft Skills: The Perfect Match By now, most of us know that having a mentoring culture at our companies can have a positive effect on the bottom line. But what is it about mentoring that makes it so effective in the long run? You could make a case for the 1:1 relationships, increased leadership skills of the mentee, […]

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