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Category: Learning

  • 5 Ways to Personalize the Mentoring Experience

    5 Ways to Personalize the Mentoring Experience

    Personalized attention. Individualized conversations. Tailored activities. These are just a taste of what one can expect from a top-notch mentoring experience. Unfortunately, not all mentoring programs utilize this strategy. Mentoring is meant to be organic, and within that framework, personalization typically goes best. But how you define “personalization” can vary from program to program. To help you make your mentoring […]

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  • 7 Types of Mentors: Which Mentor Is Right for You?

    7 Types of Mentors: Which Mentor Is Right for You?

    There are numerous types of mentors you could have. From our experience, however, you’re likely to run there are 7 big categories of mentors you’re likely to encounter. As you read through this list of mentor types, consider what type of mentor works best for you (or, if you’re the mentor, what type of mentor you want to be). START […]

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  • Improve Millennial Engagement Through Onboarding Programs

    Improve Millennial Engagement Through Onboarding Programs

    Why Onboarding Programs Fail A 2014 Bentley University study revealed that the majority of recent Millennial graduates gave themselves a C- when it came to their level of preparedness for the workforce. Many people from this huge generation, an estimated 75% of the global workforce by 2025, are arriving to your organization lacking skills, knowledge and cultural awareness they will need to […]

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  • Lessons Learned Through Failure

    Lessons Learned Through Failure

    Failure is a powerful teacher. It’s also an important topic to discuss within mentoring relationships to help build success out of trying times.

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  • How to Mentor Introverts

    How to Mentor Introverts

    3 Tips for Mentoring Program Administrators Networking is not an easy thing to do, and for some people, just the thought of it can make them break out into a cold sweat. Yet, building up your mentoring network can be invaluable and critical to your success at work and in your overarching career. I’ve built up a professional network, as […]

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  • Finding Your Strengths in Mentoring

    Finding Your Strengths in Mentoring

    Why Do You Want to Be Mentored? While there are innumerable goals mentees could have when engaging in a mentoring relationship, from our experience, the vast majority of people enter such relationships looking to improve on a perceived weakness, either one that they’ve self-identified or one that someone else (e.g., their manager) has suggested as an area for improvement. From […]

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