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Category: Women Leadership

  • Encourage More Female Leadership by Using Mentoring

    Encourage More Female Leadership by Using Mentoring

    Fact: Having women in leadership roles increases a company’s bottom line. This Fast Company article from highlights some profound results from a Global Leadership Forecast study by DDI, the Conference Board and EY.The study found that companies with greater gender diversity reported they are: Twice as likely to have their leaders work together to create new solutions and opportunities 5 times more likely […]

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  • Top 5 Diversity and Inclusion Best Practices

    Top 5 Diversity and Inclusion Best Practices

    Best Diversity and Inclusion Practices Shown by Our Customers Diversity and Inclusion as a business topic area is necessary yet delicate and intricate.  The subject of diversity and inclusion is not always discussed openly and has not been brought to the forefront of business strategy until the last few years.  Now, with recent events the topic is being discussed and […]

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  • Women In Leadership with Bacardi

    Women In Leadership with Bacardi

    Bacardi Presents On Women In Leadership Panel The Brandon Hall Group hosts an annual Women In Leadership Summit. At this event, business leaders from some of the most progressive companies come to together to share ideas around how to increase the number of women in leadership roles in their company and around the globe!

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